The Secrets of Literate Speaking and Writing
The literate speech will never go out of fashion. People are always pleased to deal with someone who shines with inner beauty and knows how to give his thoughts the most accurate speech form. In addition, ideally put is not something like a gift of nature. It can and should be developed. If you want to discover more about writing tips, you can read my article on wowessays blog.
Literate oral and written speech
Every language has a unique richness peculiar to it, and it is a sin not to use it. It is especially true of a language that is a native one. When a person hears a well-formed text without a single mistake, a positive impression of the author or the interlocutor is formed.
It is everyone’s responsibility to develop a written and oral speech culture. And it happens every day in the process of communication learning. After all, they say that it is not just pleasant to talk to an intelligent person, but also to keep silent.
Criteria for competent speech
If we proceed to a more detailed consideration of this concept, it should be noted that under the speech culture is meant:
- The appropriateness of what is said;
- literacy of the written or spoken information;
- accessibility in understanding the phrases of the interlocutor, clarity;
- richness, consisting in the use of different epithets, idioms, metaphors, etc.;
- variety, absence of tautology, unnecessary repetitions, polluting the sense of what is said;
- aesthetics.
Lack of literate speech skills
All these mistakes are palpable and do not bear any valuable information about the speaker, do not create an image of literate speech.
How to develop literate speech?
It is necessary to improve the qualities of literate speech every day, to bring them to perfection. After all, even if a person is intellectually developed, well-read, has a deep inner world, but, alas, cannot express himself clearly, what he says will be known only to him.
Thus, the development of literate speech requires the implementation of a few simple rules:
You know that the primary worker in our language is the word. Words make up sentences. Our speech is made up of words and sentences. Conversations, stories, questions, arguments, advice, even the songs you sing and listen to are all speech. Speech conveys our thoughts. By communicating with each other and using language, you perform a speech act.
Speaking and listening is oral speech. In ancient times, the mouth and lips were called mouths, so the word “oral” appeared, i.e., the pronounced sounds. Guys also write and read: this is written speech, the speech which is written down and read. Sounds transmit oral speech; signs transmit written speech.
What is necessary for written speech? To know letters and be able to read and write words and sentences.
What is needed for oral speech? Understand the meaning of words and be able to tell stories with sentences.
Why do we need speech? Imagine a person who cannot talk, listen, read, or write. There are no books, notebooks, computers, friends, classmates in his life. Is it interesting to live like that? Would you like to be in his shoes? I think that is unlikely. It is uninteresting to live like that.
Man’s speech “grows” and “grows up” with him. The more words a person knows, the more accurately and vividly he expresses his thoughts, the more pleasant it is to communicate with the people around him, so you need to learn new words and meanings to learn the rules and laws that build a correct and beautiful speech.
In a distant, distant time, people can not write and read. But they could write beautiful songs, fairy tales, and riddles. And some of them have survived to this day. How did they do it? People retold them.
First, they were taught to say and write only what leads to virtue and happiness for people, not to talk nonsense, not to deceive. In addition, they were prepared to collect and accumulate knowledge. They taught that speech should be intelligible and expressive. Finally, it was necessary to master the art of calligraphy — beautiful and clear writing — and mastery of the voice, its intonations, pauses, power of voice, tempo. Do you think we should learn the same things nowadays? Of course.
What kind of speech do these rules apply to? Oral. And how do you develop written speech? Learn to sign greeting cards, SMS-messages on your cell phone. But always remember: your registered address will be read by other people, so it should be corrected, fixed, and improved.
On our incredible planet Earth only we, humans, have been given a great gift — the ability to speak, to communicate with each other through words. It is essential to use this gift only to benefit those around you and yourself. Try to be exciting conversationalists, good listeners, and active readers. Language is what a person knows. Speech is what a person can do. Improve your vocabulary — oral and written.